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Pyrope is a Pyrope Garnet travelling and generally grouping together with Ribby and Eisenkiesel.



Pyrope acts like a semi-overconfident type, expectant of others to put faith in her and becoming slightly irritated when they don’t. Despite acting with immense confidence, she ends up frequently second-guessing herself and regretting her decisions and actions, usually a somewhat significant amount of time after the consequences have occurred. She holds onto regrets for an unnecessarily long amount of time. She can also be pretty rude, grumpy and snappy, especially when put out of her element, but struggles to make the effort to get used to and adapt to new situations and circumstances. Once she does make an effort, she has a relatively easy time actually getting used to new things. The kind of person who is too stubborn to try something new because of reasons like not wanting to take risks or being averse to change, who, when they eventually try it, find they actually like it or that it is not so bad. She’s indecisive and sometimes easily swayed on her decisions. When she finally makes that effort and adapts, she’s actually pretty enjoyable and agreeable. She’s known to make blunt jokes that can be seen as uncomfortable, and her loyalty is kinda shaky even though she expects loyalty from her company.


Pyrope lived quite a plain existence for a long while, commanding troops and mission groups. Between big assignments, she'd spent time managing slightly lesser supervisors and overseeing minor projects. She had a Pearl, occasionally had an association with Jaspers as bodyguards, and oversaw several technical gems. Her life was quiet and unspecial for a while like this until a Cuprite came into her life. At first, the Cuprite was simply a new element to her environment. But then the Cuprite actively began to interfere with her and sabotage her, essentially stepping on Pyrope to make herself look better. Nobody believed Pyrope when she tried to complain about it. The two even ended up getting in confrontations after Cuprite pushed Pyrope. In one case, it even took place in a Kindergarten She slowly began to resent Homeworld as her workload got more menial and monotonous, yet remained incredibly loyal. This sort of thing continued, up until she ended up getting caught up in the heist that would change her lifestyle-- a Ruby's prison break. In a mix of threatening and persuading, Pyrope begrudgingly committed to taking the Ruby off-planet in her own ship, a commitment she would be stuck with for long afterwards, as she wound up stuck with Ribby on the journey. Pyrope, although present there, rarely interacted with Ribby at first, keeping to herself. Multiple times on the voyage, she would try to abandon Ribby on a planet they'd stopped at, but she would always return. One of these planets was Earth itself. Pyrope's return to Earth for Ribby was impeded by a certain incident with a Homeworld Recon Retrieval group, which she escaped. Despite fleeing, they still pursued her. Ribby, with the help of the Crystal Gems, reunited with Pyrope, and after a particular confrontation with the squad of Gems there to retrieve Ribby, Ribby and Pyrope were reunited. They then settled for a while on earth, occasionally flying out elsewhere, mostly keeping to themselves, but becoming far more active in all aspects upon the dawn of Era 3.


  • Pyrokinesis: Pyrope possesses the ability to generate and manipulate fire.


  • When fused with Ribby, they form Augite.


  • Battle Prowess: Pyrope possesses some skill in battle, despite being a commander, she got some action of her own.
  • Leadership Skills: As she was specifically created to lead other gems, she has plenty of experience with doing so.
  • Improvisation: Pyrope shows great prowess in the area of thinking of creative ways to use objects aside from their intended function.



Pyrope has a history of being apathetic and even rude towards Ribby, and of leaving her behind with plans to abandon her completely. However, Pyrope lacks the nerve to dare ever abandon Ribby and is excessively protective of her. Pyrope has mellowed out over time and has ceased to be so dismissive of Ribby, being much friendlier and getting along much better. Though she's still known for tormenting and teasing, she's far more supportive. Ribby personally admires Pyrope's strength and power but is not so naïve that she allows Pyrope to push her around. If Pyrope is getting rude, Ribby knows when to anchor down and draw a line when things get too heated. Since she refuses to be pushed around, her respect for Pyrope and the admiration of her power do not become idolisation, and balance out the relationship to make it more healthy. Pyrope actually cares greatly about Ribby and has since grown out of her abandonment tendencies, now refusing to leave her behind. Her feelings for Ribby go slightly above platonic, yet, she is not prepared to admit this.


Eisenkiesel unnerves Pyrope to a severe degree. Pyrope finds Eisenkiesels artificial and hollow expression and tone to be extremely uncanny and never knows what to say when left alone with Eisenkiesel. Worse still, Eisenkiesel has a minor negative history with Pyrope, generally from many of the times when Pyrope tried to abandon Ribby, as Eisenkiesel's anchor device was connected with the ship at the time. In these events, Eis would become borderline infuriated, and would frantically, distressedly demand and pester Pyrope to turn around and go back for Ribby. Despite this, Eisenkiesel is very forgiving of Pyrope, and considers her a 'good friend', speaking with high respect for her.

Condor Agate[]

Condor Agate was one of the supervisors Pyrope had previously managed. She related to and pitied Condor's exhaustion with her underlings and bonded a little with her as a result.


This Emerald may have half-threatened, half-persuaded Pyrope to assist in Ribby's escape. But they had some prior history as well. Elle is noted to spend a lot of time watching gems emerge from the Kindergarten, and a little known fact is that Pyrope would have occasionally joined. She stopped after Cuprite began to ruin her life, however.


Cuprite and Pyrope utterly hate each other. Although Pyrope cared very little of Cuprite one way or another, Cuprite hated Pyrope simply because she was seen as superior. Cuprite is an extreme narcissist. she refused to be outmatched by anyone if she could help it, so she set on a goal to drag Pyrope down so she could step on her to get to the top. This partially ruined Pyrope's reputation and status, leading Pyrope to hold a righteous furious hatred for her. When Cuprite began to run Retrieval Recon, and Pyrope was among her targets, Cuprite approached the assignment with a personal vendetta.


Image Description
Pyrope's gem is located on her upper forehead, set in her tiara. It is a lozenge cut.



  • She has stated that she really doesn't like Kindergartens.
  • She has a habit of resting her head between the prongs of her didn't when not moving, and using it as a walking stick when she is moving. She has it summoned at almost all times.
  • The red 'shades' on her face are a reference to that of a Certain Character from a Certain Other Series.