Steven Universe Roleplay Wiki

Red Jadeite Jade is a former Homeworld technician now residing somewhere on Earth, likely nearby or in Little Homeworld, with Nephrite.


Previous (”Nephrite”)[]

’Nephrite’ had long, wavy hair, red eyes, a red and pink long asymmetrical dress, no gloves, and flats. Her hair was brighter, but everything else was the same.


Jadeite has a slender and rounded body figure, a body shape similar to any other Jade. She has thin eyes with small black pupils, a pointed nose, and her gemstone is on her left cheek. Her skin is thulian pink. Her hair appears to have a half shaved cut, with the shaved bit on the right being vermillion red. The unshaved half is fluffy and softly rounded, curling out at the bottom, and is indian red. She wears what appears to be a dark carolina blue sleeveless bodysuit with independence blue isotoxal stars on both knees and a navy blue asymmetrical v-neck overshirt. On the waist of the overshirt is a purple shape, which appears to be a light purple isotoxal star with the side arms stretched around her waist to form a belt of sorts. She has carolina blue gloves that match her bodysuit, and dark grey boots similar in colour to the isotoxal stars on her knees.



Confused and aggressive. Little regard for others, even sadistic to a certain point. Well known to be violent, ill-tempered, and generally rude and disrespectful.


Analytic and forward. She’s easily stressed, and prefers to keep to herself. She likes to dedicate a significant majority of her time to working on things. She tires herself out from it constantly, so she’s always exhausted. If provoked, she will usually turn to sarcasm and snarkiness, and usually has pretty good comebacks. She doesn’t always catch onto jokes. Prides herself on her practicality, despite not always being practical. She isn’t nearly as skittish as Nephrite, thus being better suited for combat despite lacking a proper weapon. When speaking with others, she will generally speak succinctly and cordially, with hints of sarcasm and passive-aggression, and tries to be elaborate enough to lessen the time a conversation must occupy. She’s rarely particularly passionate about things and will comply with things she’s not really happy about if it will prove to be efficient. She’s thorough and never forgets things, but can get some facts mixed up, especially under stress.


Jadeite was a red Jadeite who was a technician, and was accompanied most often by a Nephrite who was a pilot.

During one mission, their ship was hit and going down, and the whole crew had been scrambling trying to do damage control. The Red Jadeite, familiar only with this particular Nephrite, ran to the cockpit where she was trying to regain control of her ship. In a moment of panic, the Jadeite told the Nephrite to fuse with her, assuming since their Gem types were similar, they'd be able. Nephrite adamantly refused, still trying to regain control of her ship. The Jadeite simply insisted, demanding that they must, or they'd certainly be shattered on impact with the ground. Nephrite, seeing her ship nosediving towards the ground, and knowing better than to doubt the Jadeite's estimable knowledge, knew she would not be able to regain control. She reluctantly agreed, and the two fused at the last minute. Their distressed fusion promptly escaped the ship, landed semi-safely on the ground, then unfused. However, due to the high stress and tension that she was under when the fusion divided, their consciousnesses transferred into the wrong gems, and scrambled their memories, the Red Jadeite's consciousness becoming implanted in the Nephrite's gem, and vice versa. Although they retained their names in their different bodies, they didn't realise they'd switched because their memories had become so scrambled. Thus, a Red Nephrite who is actually a Nephrite with a Red Jadeite's gem, and a Green Jadeite, who is actually a Red Jadeite with a Nephrite's gem. 

After a particular incident with most likely a rejuvenator, their memories were properly restored to the gems they actually belonged to.


Red Jadeite possesses the common abilities of gems of her type, and not many others.

  • Thermokinesis: Red Jadeite, to some extent, possesses the ability to generate and manipulate thermal energy, often based on her emotional state.
  • Built-in Technology: Red Jadeite possesses the ability to form, manipulate and interface with holographic technology that is built into her physical form.
  • Biological GPS: That's probably more of 'Galactic' Positioning System than Global. Red Jadeite possesses the ability to know her current position at any given time without the use of external technology.


  • When fused with Nephrite, they form Zoisite.
  • When fused with Amber, they form Bixbite.
  • When fused with Midnight Blue Labradorite, they form Purple Scapolite.


  • Technological Aptitude: Red Jadeite is familiar with a wide range of forms of technology, how they function, and how to interface with them.
  • General Knowledge: Red Jadeite possesses a wide array of knowledge, an extensive vocabulary and a penchant for learning more. She spends almost all of her free time studying or observing new or poorly documented theories, ideas, and things.
  • Exceptional Memory: Red Jadeite remembers practically everything. She documents everything she finds important, but even if she didn't, she would most likely still remember it. It's assumed that her incredible memory can be attributed to her built-in database.



Image Description
Red Jadeite's gem is an oblong cabochon, and is located on her left cheek.


